About me

I am a behavioural biologist who is interested is social cognition, mate choice, and socio-ecology of primates. I obtained my BSc in Biology (cum laude) and MSc in Environmental Biology (specialization Animal Ecology, cum laude) at Utrecht University. Currently, I work as lecturer at the Animal Behaviour & Cognition group of Utrecht University, where I am involved in teaching in the Biology bachelor programme and the Environmental Biology master programme (Behavioural Ecology track).

Foto: Dieuwertje Bravenboer

Before my role as lecturer, I did my PhD-research at Leiden University/Apenheul Primate Park. During my PhD under the supervision of Dr. Mariska Kret, I studied the cognitive processes underlying mate preferences of zoo-housed orang-utans, and I tried to identify methods to measure these preferences. To do so, I ran behavioural experiments with both zoo-housed orang-utans and humans.

CV Tom Roth